Building a plan for your optimal outcome
Strategy Consulting
Our Strategic Planning Process is rooted in the prioritization of deep landscape analysis, building a clear understanding of your current and desired state, and building the foundational structures key to sustaining growth and impact.
We understand the unique challenges and aspirations of the nonprofit leaders, and are committed to helping leaders achieve their goals, starting with building a plan.
Our team partners with you to develop or refine your strategic vision - one that aligns with your mission and goals. Our strategic planning process helps define clear objectives, identify strategic initiatives, and establish measurable outcomes to guide your organization's growth and impact.
What kind of strategic planning would help your organization?
Strategic Plans
We build a clear, organizational “roadmap” that guides the organization for 3 to 5 years, and defines priorities and actions that one should (or should not) take.
The plan focuses on sustainability and growth with an emphasis on board management, fundraising, and operations.
Development (Fundraising) Plans
We develop a systematic and tailored plan to secure, retain and grow your donors and clients across diverse revenue streams.
Our focus is on designing plans that systematically drive major current and prospective donors to support the organization and raise new funds and “friends” for the organization.
Board Development Plans
We map pathways to intentionally recruit, develop and retain board members whose knowledge, passion and access align with the short and long term needs of the organization.
We focus on identifying and training board members to support fundraising, partnerships and organizational performance evaluation.
Operational Plans
We create plans that operationalize vision and high level strategies through adopting and implementing systems, technology and accountability tools to streamline task execution. We focus on clearly defining desired outcomes across departments and building structures that systematically drive towards them.